Being a good musician isn't enough.
The cold, hard truth is: it doesn't matter who you studied with, where you went to school, or what degree you earned
if you can't turn your talent into profit.
I see you over there with your second (or third) coffee, oscillating between burn out and practice guilt.
No matter how many pep talks you hear from your well-meaning teachers, you still struggle with fear of the unknown.
You think "I should be good at this by now," referring to both stage fright and that one phrase in your solo piece that's still not "there" yet.
Then you hop on Instagram only to see that an old roommate just won an orchestra job. You're kind of happy for her, but a part of you wonders if the countless hours you've spent in the practice room are enough.
You push aside, for the thousandth time, the nagging thought of "what am I going to do with my music degree?"
Here's where I jump in and tell you:

you're not alone.

What if I told you that
you can set yourself up for a profitable career from exactly where you're at?
Answering the question: "what are you going to do with a Music Degree" made you feel confident instead of afraid
NEVER having to worry about whether or not you'd succeed as a musician
Having a concrete, step-by-step plan to get you multiple income streams doing what you really love!

I'm Elizabeth and I've built a portfolio career as a performer, teacher, clinician, and speaker. I'm passionate about helping musicians just like you turn their talents into a thriving, rewarding, and profitable livelihood.
I offer lectures and workshops at colleges across the country about life as a professional musician. From creating a successful private studio, to asking businesses for their support, to finding resourceful ways to fill the needs in your community:
I'm here to help you unleash your inner genius and create a career that is as exciting and dynamic as you are.

3 ways to work with me...
In-person or virtual residencies include:
career development workshop
studio class visit
BONUS! workshop on performance anxiety: learn how to beat stage fright for good
One-on-one sessions to get your business up and running:
biweekly 1-hour sessions
monthly 1-hour sessions
answers to YOUR specific questions
customized step-by-step plan to take you exactly where you want to go
What people

You might be curious as to how I got here.
It all started back in 2012 when I launched my private teaching studio here in Austin, Texas. Young(er) Elizabeth was so excited to move to a new area, eager to launch her business, and spectacularly unaware of how to do that.
I did what most young professionals do:
I convinced myself that I was capable, well-trained, and enthusiastic enough.
I operated under the ideology of,
"if I built it, they [students] would come."
And although that was all true, stuff really started to hit the fan when I unpacked into my new duplex 2 weeks before the school year started.
I had no contacts, no friends, no colleagues, no professors, or any other connection to Austin. I was an unknown from out of state that all of a sudden appeared into a VERY busy area saturated with other professionals who were also making a career out of teaching.
But, I did have a secret weapon:
and why I was worth investing in.
I was really good at explaining what I had to offer,
And THAT, my dear friends, is what got me a full studio within 2 months.
So, on a bit of a whim, I decided to put together a lecture for the next North American Saxophone Alliance conference to share what I learned starting my business. The result of that lecture was an unexpected job offer (yay supplemental income!!), and the realization that I was onto something:
people really need to know how to turn their passion into profit.

That's where I come in (probably in a maxi dress with matching earrings).
I took all the knowledge from the start of my business,
added the things I learned along the way,
and use that experience to teach others just like you
how to build a thriving career.