Why take private lessons?
I'm so glad you asked! I'll keep this short and sweet because your time is valuable. Simply put:
Imagine your own personal tutor/Yoda/sensei who's got your back at all times. I'm the Mr. Miyagi to your Ralph Macchio. Although I promise not to make you paint fences, I will challenge you (#growthmindset) while giving you all the tools you need for success in the practice room and on stage.
But don't take my word for it. Hear what my students, who are the top of their class and earn spots in District, Region and All-State Band have to say:
Ready for more benefits?
Grab that second cup of coffee or glass of wine (#nojudgement) and let's settle in.
Learn self-discipline to practice and be successful
​​Any musician would agree that daily practice is paramount to success. However, students often go home and practice what they already know and are good at, which leads to very little improvement. I teach my students what they, as an individual, need to work on, as well as specific exercises that produce maximum results without wasting time.
Increase problem-solving skills
There is nothing more frustrating than trying to solve a problem you don't know how to fix. All too often I see students walk away from music because they feel as though they are not improving. I equip my students with the tools they need to better understand the instrument, and I give them the encouragement they need to stick with it.
Build confidence
​Music is a performance art. No matter how nervous a student may feel when asked to play a solo in class or for any audition, I give them techniques to stay calm under pressure and manageable steps to take toward alleviating anxiety.​​
Stay focused and increase attention span
By always having something to work on and a goal to work toward, students are much more likely to continue practicing when they see improvement from private lessons. Students learn how to set manageable goals and achieve them. Whether it's earning a spot in the top band or passing Solo and Ensemble contests, I teach students how to get to where they want to be.
Take advantage of enduring benefits for brain development
Numerous studies have proved that students who take music lessons earn higher test scores in academic and extracurricular areas (an average of 19% higher in English and 17% in math compared to peers).​
Have fun!
​It's fun to be good! Playing well is infinitely rewarding.
Where have students been accepted?
I'm glad you asked!
My students pursuing a music degree in college have been accepted at: